Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report _ March 7, 2019
Last week I told you about the success I get with the Murray's Olive Strymph fished with a bounce retrieve in the mountain streams. Now that the streams are warming enough to get the Eperous mayfly nymphs moving we can expand that ploy.
Attach the Olive Strymph size 10 to a Murray's 9ft 4X Trout Nymphing Leader and to the bend of the Strymph hook attach 24 inches of 5X tippet material. To this attach a Mr. Rapidan Bead Head Nymph size 14. The same upstream bounce retrieve is effective. Just be sure your presentation cast is delivered upstream tight against the riffle because this is where the Epeorus nymphs are found.
Stream Conditions:
Most of the Skyline Drive is closed due to downed trees from the ice storm. Clean up crews are currently working on clean up. Before making a trip to the Park, even if the weather is warmer in the valley, please call (540) 999-3500 (select option 1, then option 1) to get the latest update.
However you can access most of the Park streams from the bottom of the mountain at the locations I cover in my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park.