Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - July 25, 2019
A great ploy to bring the trout to the surface with the great caddis hatches we have now is to cast a Mr. Rapidan Delta Wing Caddis upstream and impart a two-inch twitching action every two seconds. This mimics the egg-laying and emerging caddis action and often brings more strikes than a dead drift.
The Scott F Series 7'2" 3-weight 5pc rod is a great rod for these streams plus a camping trip in the park. Very compact and delicate.
Stream Conditions: The recent rains have kept these streams at great water levels. You can either park at the top of the streams off the Skyline Drive and hike down or access from the bottom of the streams and hike up. Just wade carefully so you do not spook the fish and do not get behind someone. What they didn't catch they have already spooked.
Skyline Drive is now open in all sections. This can change frequently if we have storms. To check the status of the Skyline Drive please call 540-999-3500, option 1, option 1 for the latest update before heading to these streams.
Recommended Gear: I am using a 6ft or 7 1/2ft 5X Leader on a 2 to 4 weight fly rod--preferably 8ft or shorter.