Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - July 29, 2021
The native brook trout streams in the Shenandoah National Park are extremely low and are getting warm (around 65 degrees). Therefore the trout are very wary and not feeding as actively as they would in the spring time. Wade very carefully and hide your approach so that you do not spook the trout. An effective tactic to catch challenging trout in mountain streams is to fish a Murray's Purple Dun (that I discussed in last weeks report) with a Mr. Rapidan Soft Hackle (Olive) Nymph size 16 on an 18-inch dropper below it. Fish this upstream dead drift to cover the whole pool. The Mr. Rapidan Ant size 18 and Murray's Flying Beetle size 16 are also effective fished on a 6X or 7X Murray's Classic Hand Tied Knotted Leader.
For more information on the Shenandoah National Park streams including access--see my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park. At this time of year I would use the reference in my book to fish White Oak, Hughes, and the Rose River as they carry more water than the other streams.