Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - July 6, 2023
The trout streams are low which is expected for this time of year. The trout are wary so hide your approach and if needed sneak in on your hands and knees. A cautious approach and a slack line cast will enable you to catch the wary trout we have now. The Light Cahill size 16, Murray's Yellow Drake Dry size 16 and Murray's Little Yellow Stonefly Dry size 16 are working well because these match the naturals which are hatching.
Do you realize the lightning bug that is around our streams is the last fly of the day our trout may feed on. Just drift a Murray's Yellow Inchworm size 14 over these trout on their feeding station and see what will happen. There are so many lightning bugs out now, that the trout are just waiting for them to drift down the pools.
Plan to come into the streams in the Shenandoah National Park from the lower boundaries as the water levels will be better. The Rose River, Hughes, and White Oak tend to hold more water in the summer. If you find that these streams are too low for your liking then consider fishing for smallmouth in the Shenandoah River.
Another tip for the trout streams--watch for snakes. Take your walking stick and check brushy areas before walking through. Don't put your hands or feet anywhere that you cannot see what is on the other side. Just be cautious and use common sense. One last tip--when hiking into the remote streams, especially if you are by yourself, let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return.
Want to learn more about the native brook trout fishing?
- See my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park
- Register for our Spring 2024 Mountain Trout On The Stream Schools