Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - Update June 28, 2024
Effective as of today June 28, 2024 the Shenandoah National Park is closed to all fishing. Message posted by the SNP:
Shenandoah National Park’s streams and rivers are closed to fishing due to low flows and high water temperatures.
Dry conditions have led to extremely low stream flows throughout the park, including some river sections that are completely dry. Hot weather has also led to high water temperatures. Despite some rain on Wednesday, June 26, river flows remain low and are expected to continue dropping with continued hot, dry weather.
Low flows and high temperatures create extremely stressful conditions for fish, and dissolved oxygen can decline to fatal conditions. The additional stress of angling during these conditions could harm the native brook trout populations, which are already low across much of the park. This closure is for all streams within park boundaries including both open-to-harvest and catch-and-release waters. The closure will be lifted when stream conditions improve. Stream flows are expected to remain low until significant precipitation occurs across the area.
Although it has been rare for the park to close fishing in the past few decades, it was done in response to drought conditions in 2021 and 2023.