Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - May 22, 2024
One of my favorite techniques for fishing the Little Yellow Stonefly hatch, because of the longevity of the hatch and the great abundance of nymphs present in the stream is to fish a two-fly rig. I attach a Little Yellow Stonefly Dry size 16 to my Murray's Mountain Trout 6ft 6X leader. Using an improved clinch knot, I attach 16 inches of 6X tippet material to the bend of the dry fly hook. To this I attach a Pheasant Tail Nymph size 16. I fish this to rising trout and to cover the whole pool with a gentle twitching action. To match the Light Cahill hatch use a Light Cahill Dry or Spirit of Pittsford Mill Dry size 14 or 16. I am also doing well with the Murray's Flying Beetle and Mr. Rapidan Ant size 14 or 16.
The streams in the Shenandoah National Park are all fishable. I am finding better water levels by coming in off the Skyline Drive. Just make sure that you don't get behind someone. What they didn't catch, they have already spooked. For more information on these streams and stream access, see my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park.
Little Stoney Creek west of Edinburg is fishable by coming in off FS92. Use the same flies that I mentioned above.
The fly shop will be closed May 26-28 for Memorial Day. We will resume our normal hours and shipments of online orders on Wednesday 5/29/24 at 9a.m.