Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - April 28, 2022
The bigger bass are holding in the 4 to 6 foot deep pools and back eddies. They are starting to feed and by providing a mouthful with a Murray's Crayfish Olive size 6 or a Murray's Tungsten Cone Head Marauder in size 4 you just might catch the biggest bass of the season. Use a 9ft 2X Bright Butt Leader or if you want a sinking leader use a Murray's Fluorocarbon 9ft 2X Leader. If you have the option of doing a float/wade trip then you will be able to get to many different areas of the river. A good place to put in a kayak and do a float/wade trip is to put in at the Hollingsworth section of the Seven Bends State Park on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River and take out at the Lupton access of the Park. You can also put in at Chapman's Landing just north of Edinburg, float down to the dam and then paddle back to take out at the same access.
All of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River is clear and fishable. The South Fork of the Shenandoah River is clear and fishable. The South Fork is carrying extra water so I would suggest floating and not wading this section.
If you need help on access, stop by the fly shop and look at our master map or see my book Virginia's Blue Ribbon Streams.