Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - August 31, 2022
There is great for smallmouth bass right now because of the Hexagenia mayflies. You will see many rising bass to take adult flies on the surface and the Mr. Rapidan Skater will catch many of them. If you see splashy riseforms or jumping bass, then these are taking the emerging Hexagenias. I fish to these bass by placing a Mr. Rapidan Olive Soft Hackle size 10 on a 2ft dropper below the Skater. Fish these with a gentle twitching action. The Shenandoah Chartreuse Chugger and Shenandoah Blue Popper are also working on the top water action along the shady banks. You will also find that the sunfish love to get in on the top water action with these flies..
The Shenk's White Streamer size 6 and Murray's Crayfish size 6 are working well on a 9ft Bright Butt 2X leader.
The North Fork of the Shenandoah River is low and clear. Wade carefully and try to fish the last two hours of the day or the shady banks during the mid-afternoon.
The South Fork oft he Shenandoah River is low and clear. This Fork does hold three times more water than the North Fork but you will still need to wade carefully so that you are not scaring the fish.
For more information on the access places, stop by the fly shop or see my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams.
Special Note: Murray's Fly Shop will be closed September 4-7 for the Labor Day Holiday. Any online orders placed after September 2 will be shipped upon our return on September 8.