Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - February 24, 2022
Keep in mind we are pushing the season but with a 70 degree day like we had yesterday, who wouldn't want to get out on the water. The extra water volume prevents the bass from being wary and the slowly warming water temperature will cause the bass to feed after a long cold winter. Using a Murray's Heavy Hellgrammite size 4 in the deepest pockets on a Sink Tip III fly line with a Fluorocarbon Sinking Leader will help increase your chances. Be sure to bring your chest high waders!
Prime time for the smallmouth fishing is mid May to the middle of October. We have already scheduled our Full Day Fly Fishing Schools for Summer 2022 so if you are interested in learning how to fly fish, check your schedule and register online or call us at 540-984-4212