Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - June 16, 2022
There are great schools of shiner minnows on the gravel bars along the banks where the river is one or two feet deep. The smallmouths race onto these gravel bars to feed for several minutes before returning to the security of the deeper water close by. Watch for these chases and cast a Silver Outcast size 4 out in front of the bass'es patch and strip it firmly. Check out my latest article on minnow matching. The Magnum Hog Sucker size 4, Magnum Creek Chub size 4, and Murray's Olive Crayfish size 6 have been productive this week as well. The water is clear so wade carefully so that you are not spooking the fish.
Both the North Fork and the South Fork of the Shenandoah River are clear and fishable. The North Fork from Mount Jackson downstream to Woodstock has been doing well with wading. If you want a short float in a kayak, then I would put in at the Hollingsworth access and take out at the Lupton access of the Seven Bends State Park in Woodstock. The South Fork is good for either wading or floating.