Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report- November 20, 2017

We are catching some nice smallmouth bass in the back eddies that form below the riffles on the side of the river with the slowest current. These range from ten to fifty feetĀ in diameter and from four to six feet deep. Many large bass feed here in the cold water so I use large flies.The Murray's Olive Tungsten Cone Head Marauder size 4, Murray's Pearl Tungsten Cone Head Marauder size 4 and Murray's Black Tungsten Cone Head Marauder size 4 are all excellent flies. These flies can be fished either by floating them along the deep side of the back eddy or by wading them along the bank. Take your time and cover the whole back eddy thoroughly. Access point #1 (Route 661 off Route 11) on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River is good. Access point #11 (Seakford) on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River is good.