Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - October 8, 2020
The bass are holding in the deeper pools therefore I am switching to a Sink Tip Line on my 7-weight fly rod. On this line the first 12 feet sinks at 2.5 to 3.5 ips. I use my Fluorocarbon 6ft 2X leader with this line. The deeper and the slower I can fish my streamers such as a Magnum Hog Sucker, Magnum Creek Chub or Magnum Darter size 4 the better success I will have. I have some guys that even add a split shot about 6 inches above their fly such as an Olive Marauder or Pearl Marauder size 6 to help get it down in the deeper pools.
The water temperature has been in the lower 60's so you will need chest high waders if you are wading.
North Fork of the Shenandoah River: This river is clear and fishable. If you are floating in a kayak or canoe I would recommend putting in at Chapman's Landing north of Edinburg and floating down about a mile to the deeper water before reaching the dam. Keep in mind that you will have to paddle back and take out at the same access as you cannot go around the dam.
South Fork of the Shenandoah River: This river is clear and fishable. If you are planning on floating, there are many deep pools and pockets along the river that you can get access to. In my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams, I cover many of these access places for float trips. If you are planning on wading I would recommend Foster's Landing or Bealer's Ferry.
Ft. | CFS | |
North Fork at Mount Jackson | 2.50 | 67.9 |
North Fork at Strasburg | 1.88 | 147 |
South Fork at Luray | 2.68 | 667 |