Most anglers do well by fishing a 3- nymph tandem rig on a sinking tip III line with a Murray's 6ft 3X Sinking Fluorocarbon leader in the deep pools and very fast runs. I find that the deeper you can fish these nymphs and the slower you swim them the larger trout you will catch.The Murray's Dark Stonefly Nymph size 12, Murray's Olive Caddis Pupa size 14 and Murray's Caddis Larva size 14 is a very productive 3-fly rig because these flies match many of the naturals. Big Stoney Creek (Edinburg) and Back Creek are doing well for this time of year.
Stream Conditions: The recent localized rains have kept the streams such as Big Stoney Creek (Edinburg), Passage Creek (Fort Valley) and Mill Creek (Mount Jackson) at great water levels. All are clear and fishable. Please keep in mind that these streams are not stocked during the summer months.
Stop by the fly shop in Edinburg, VA and check out our master map with access to fish the local streams.