Stocked Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - December 1, 2021
Some of the stocked trout streams have natural springs that can produce some excellent fishing. These springs provide warmer water with rich green plants downstream. You will find many cress bugs living in these areas and the trout feed heavily upon them. Use a Cress Bug size 14, 16 or a Murray's Shrimp size 14, 16 in these areas.
All of the stocked trout feed on minnows any time they can catch them. Some of my most productive streamers to match these minnows are the Shenandoah Silver Ghost size 10 and Shenandoah Skunk Streamer size 10. Fish these across stream right below the riffles with a slow line hand stripping action.
All of the local stocked trout streams are clear and fishable. Wade carefully so that you do not spook the fish since the streams are so clear. If you need help on access stop by the fly shop in Edinburg for help or see my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams.
For more information on which streams have been stocked lately..visit the VA DWR website.