Stocked Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - May 2, 2019
Many March Brown Mayfly Nymphs make a mini-migration from the deep part of the stream to the shallows along the banks where they hatch into adult duns. The trout feed heavily on these nymphs
Recommended Flies: This opens the door for us to fish a Mr. Rapidan Parachute Dry size 14 with a Mr. Rapidan Brown Soft Hackle Nymph size 14 on a 3ft. dropper below it, right along the shallow banks. Some days I catch about half of my trout on the dry and half of the trout on the soft hackle nymphs.
Stream Conditions: All of the local stocked trout streams and delayed harvest areas including Passage Creek (
Recommended Gear: I am using a 5X Leader with a 7 1/2ft to 9ft fly rod with a 4 to 6 weight fly line.