Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - February 1, 2025
Update February 1, 2025 at 9:30am The local stocked trout streams are carrying extra water with slightly muddy discoloration from the rains received yesterday. I do not expect this to last long. They should be fishable by Sunday, February 2
Posted January 30, 2025 At dusk many true midges hatch in the tails of the pools. These flies are so small that it is easier to discern the rise form of the trout than it is to see the flies. I go one on one with these trout by fishing upstream to them with a Mr. Rapidan Midge Dry size 20 on a 7X leader. With the snow slowly melting, the local stocked trout streams are at great levels. Most anglers are using nymphs and small streamers during the day. Here is what I recommend: Copper John (Zebra) size 16 or 18, Perdigon Nymph size 12 or 14 (French), Dark Stonefly Nymph size 12 or 14, Rubber Leg Nymph size 8, Murray's Marauder size 10 or 12 (olive or black).
If you are like me, you have cabin fever and cannot wait to get on a native brook trout stream. The water temperature on these streams is still too cold but I'm hoping over the next few weeks the water temperature will rise enough that I can give it a try. The Skyline Drive has finally reopened but I image there is still some snow along the streams in the deep hollows. If you have a free day and just want to get out--take some small nymphs with you and see how you do. A Mr. Rapidan Emerger size 14, Bead Head Prince size 14 and Copper John (Zebra) size 18 are the ones I would start with.
Prime Time for the native brook trout streams is April and May. If you want to learn more about fly fishing for native brook trout in these small mountain streams, consider signing up for one of our fly fishing schools.
- read my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park
- attend my classroom discussion on the Shenandoah National Park on March 8 at 10a.m. at the fly shop in Edinburg
- register for the Spring 2025 Mountain Trout School meeting at Graves Mountain Lodge in Syria, VA and fishing in the Shenandoah National Park
- register for the Spring 2025 Mountain Trout School meeting at Murray's Fly Shop in Edinburg, VA and fishing in the George Washington National Forest