Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - November 1, 2023
The stocked trout streams are low but some of my customers are landing some nice rainbows on the streams. Wade carefully so you are not spooking the trout. We have been doing better with nymphs and streamers on these streams. The Murray's Crayfish (olive) size 10, Rubber Leg Nymph size 10, Murray's Olive Strymph size 10 are some of the bigger flies that are working. For smaller nymphs switch to a Bead Head Prince Nymph size 12 or Dark Stonefly Nymph size 12.
Passage Creek in Fort Valley was stocked a few weeks ago and in the delayed harvest section near Rt. 619 there should always be trout as you cannot keep them in this section. Further upstream off of Rt. 678 near the Elizabeth Furnace area you can keep the trout if they are within the size limit.
Big Stoney Creek west of Edinburg was stocked last week. They stock about 3 miles upstream of Columbia Furnace and 3 miles downstream. There is private property throughout these areas so be respectful of posted property. If you need help on where to access this stream, stop by the fly shop and we will help you.