Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - November 30, 2023
Stocked Trout Streams -- Our local stocked trout streams still have low water levels for this time of year but definitely better than they were a month ago. In order to catch the trout below the fast riffles and in the deep pools in the large streams, I use a Murray's Tungsten Bead Marauder size 10, Perdigon Nymph size 14, and Copper John Nymph (Zebra size 14). We are experimenting with a new fly that is popular out west and so far it has been productive on the stocked trout streams here in the East--Olsen's Hare's Ear Blowtorch. We have had more and more customers asking for barbless hooks so we are expanding our inventory for 2024. This is one of the first that we have gotten in. Also just got in a Barbless Trout Nymph Selection. Check the VA DWR website for trout stocking schedule.
Murray's Fly Shop Gift Card Special--
November 30-December 8, 2023
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Mountain Trout Streams -- The native brook trout streams in the Shenandoah National Park remain closed to fishing due to low water levels. I went out to Little Stoney Creek west of Edinburg a few days ago and the water levels were much better than they were a few months ago. A Murray's Dark Stonefly Nymph size 12, Hare's Ear Nymph size 12, and Bead Head Prince Nymph size 12 or 14 are what I am recommending for this week.
We are conducting Mountain Trout Schools for Spring 2024 when water levels and hatches are ideal. These are popular fly fishing schools and fill up each year so don't miss out.