Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report- October 16, 2017
The deep pockets just downstream of the heavy riffles are producing some large bass on large nymphs. We are doing well with the Murray's Heavy Black Hellgrammite size 4, Murray's Skunk Road Kill Nymph size 6 and Murray's Olive Road Kill Nymph size 6. Many of these pockets are as large as your living room and are five feet deep. To get my nymphs down to these bass I use the "Swing Nymphing" method Charlie Brooks taught me on the Madison. While standing right beside the deep pocket I cast up and across stream fifteen feet at a forty five degree angle. After my nymph sinks deeply I take up the slack line with my line hand and swing the rod tip downstream, staying tight on the nymph so I can feel the strike and hook the bass. By lengthening my casts slightly and wading slowly downstream, I catch many large bass.
Access point #5 (Chapman's Landing) on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River is producing well. Access point # 11 (Seakford) on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River is producing well.
Access point #5 (Chapman's Landing) on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River is producing well. Access point # 11 (Seakford) on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River is producing well.