Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report- September 5, 2017
The action is good on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River with surface bugs downstream from access point #4 (Near Dr. Truman's Vet Clinic). Upstream from access point #14 (Bealer's Ferry) on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River is good. I like to fish on the surface so I use deer hair bass bugs which I can cast further than poppers. Good bugs are the Murray's Frisky Frog Deer Hair Bass Bug size 4, Murray's Red Head Deer Hair Bass Bug size 4 and Tapply Bug Green/White Deer Hair size 6. I usually dress the leader and bugs with Scientific Anglers Fly Floatant. I also sometimes run a Murray's Pearl Marauder size 10 on a thirty six inch dropper below the deer hair bass bug.